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Notice of Hearing: Woodland Research and Technology Park Reorganization to the City of Woodland (LAF#23-07)

Notice is hereby given that on Thursday, March 28, 2024, at 9:00 am, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, the Yolo Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) will hold a Public Hearing at the Yolo County Board of Supervisors Chamber, 625 Court Street, Room 206, Woodland, CA, to consider the following agenda item:                             

Project Title
Woodland Research and Technology Park Reorganization to the City of Woodland (LAFCo No. 23-07)

Project Description:
The City of Woodland requests annexation of 5 parcels and a portion of 2 parcels totaling 363.11-acres to the City of Woodland. This action requires concurrent detachment from the Springlake Fire Protection District (no other districts will be affected). Per Government Code Section 56662, LAFCo intends to waive protest proceedings because the City and the landowners have given their written consent to the proposal.

The following parcels are located Southwest of Farmers Central Road and Harry Lorenzo Avenue, and east of State Route 113 and County Road 25A interchange: 041-020-010, 041-020-017, 041-020-030 (portion of), 041-020-031, 041-020-042 (portion of), 041-020-043, and 041-080-022.

Environmental Review:
The potential environmental effects of the proposal have been reviewed by the City of Woodland as Lead Agency, which certified an Environmental Impact Report and filed a Notice of Determination in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).

Christine M. Crawford, AICP
LAFCo Executive Officer
(530) 666-8048 or

The Proposal Application is currently posted on the LAFCo website at The Executive Officer's Report and the Agenda will be posted online at least five days prior to the noticed hearing at All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing.

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please call Commission Clerk Terri Tuck at (530) 666-8048. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable LAFCo to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility.

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