FAQ for LAFCo's RFP for Fiscal Consulting Services Due Jan 27th
- What is the budget allocated for this project?
This proposal application was not anticipated for this FY when the LAFCo budget was adopted. We currently have only $10k in the professional services budget. However, LAFCo realized some budget savings under salaries and benefits this year, and I expect LAFCo will need to amend its budget to reallocate some funding. My hope is to do much of the leg work at the staff level and use a fiscal consultant to validate our numbers, develop scenarios, provide projections, and advise on how best to close any potential funding gap. It also became apparent after the RFP was released that the consultant must have a deep understanding of ERAF and the implications of potentially shifting territory to other districts. I’m not looking for a big, heavily produced report, so I’m hoping for a contract in the $15k - $20k range, but I’m open if that’s not realistic.
- What is the primary goal of the reorganization, and what is the LAFCo aiming to achieve through this effort?
The goal of the reorganization is to improve public safety by transitioning the Elkhorn FPD from an unsustainable volunteer FPD to a long-term contract with the cities of West Sacramento and Woodland to provide fire protection services to its estimated 80-90 residents and its highly trafficked roadways (I-5 and Old River Road).
- Why has the LAFCo chosen to pursue this initiative at this particular time?
The service-related issues with Elkhorn FPD have been building for decades. LAFCo’s 2016 MSR recommended the FPD contract with the two cities for services, and it did not. Therefore, LAFCo’s 2022 MSR recommended the FPD be dissolved altogether. The County was working on an application to dissolve the FPD. However, in June 2024 there was a serious head-on collision that brought the issue to a head. Consequently, the Elkhorn FPD Board had a change of heart and voted to dissolve itself in August 2024 and submitted a LAFCo application accordingly.